Mood: round 2, beer 2. Let's see if it does better than the Great Lakes.
Where to buy: LCBO
Price: $4.25
Beer type: imperial ale
Ingredients: ???
Region: Granville Island, BC
%: 10%
ml: 473ml
Appearance: orange
Smell: Sweet fame pumpkin and spices. A nice plate
Taste: a stronger beer so has more or a whiskey bite. Lots of bitter spices and a strong beer. Together it's a lot to handle.
Mouthfeel: bubbly and kinda a stabbing in my tongue. I can't keep it in my mouth too long it's very strong.
Finish: the bitter sticks behind. And it's like I drank a whiskey or but on beverage. I hate that aftertaste.
Overall: honestly it has a good intention and I'm sure people who could handle the taste would love this. But honestly it's a lot for me. I'm probably going to put some ice-cream into it to make it a spiced float.
5/10 never again. Not my style of beer at all.
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