Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Mocha Stout - Perth Brewery


Mood: After work, boys been over for 5 days straight and today is the first day without him...

Where to buy: LCBO


Beer type: Stout with mocha flavour

Ingredients:Water, malted barley, oats, hops, espresso, chocolate extract, yeast, vanilla

Region: Perth Ontario

%: 4.9

ml: 473ml

Appearance: dark brown almost black

Smell: Almost peachy... stout peachy...

Taste: for what the ingredients entailed, I am dissapointed with the taste. I maybe taste a bit of the chocolate, espresso, and vanilla, but they are so mild that all together it's almost like they cancel eachother out. 

Mouthfeel: There's the espresso!  I was waiting for that taste!  turns kinda creamy when its in the mouth for a while

Finish: sweet, not too bitter, this is probably one of the mildest stouts I have had. 

Overall: Honestly, though it dissapointed on the flavours it was trying to acheive (mocha??? more like... a beginners guide to stout). I would buy this again as I dont like the harshness of a lot of stout beers, and this could definately be something I can like and drink fast instead of sipping.

8/10 - only because it was light for a stout. Not because of the flavour of "mocha".  

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