So before I start my review on this, just one piece of advice... make sure to look at reviews or internet write-ups about certain diet changes before just jumping in full force.
Even a 3 day detox changed my body for the better, and the worst... so it would have been nice to know certain things before I got the symptoms...
For starts, I decided to try a 3 day detox found here, I mean it's Dr. Oz! After the hype that my mom puts on this guy (like he's GOD or something) I didn't believe that he could steer me in the wrong direction, that, and I don't have a juicer... so I had to do a smoothie one. Perfect! Found one!
So the first day I started this and after picking up all the ingredients I didn't really realize how heavy all the ingredients were going to be. Like not weight wise, like fat wise. Coconut milk, nuts, avocado... I think the main one was the coconut milk, you figure a cup here and a cup there in a mixed smoothie wouldn't make that much of a difference, but after 3 meals a day consisting mainly of that and other fatty ingredients (to no doubt keep a person full) It starts showing....
for me, it was pimples. and lots of them. I just finished my last smoothie of my third day and I have 6 new pimples on my face, not little weeny ones, like giant zits. So I decided to finally look up the symptoms thinking it was because of the fat in the food I was eating. Online it explains that I made a drastic change in my diet so my skin was like WHAT THE FUCK and decided to go haywire on me, including zits and oilier skin.
So this detox (due to the high level of good fat) wasn't for losing weight (nor was I doing it to lose weight, but I didn't expect to possibly gain weight???) rather it was just there to clean out my gut or whatever. I don't know I just figured I had 3 days to kill, why not try it?
So since I gave you the link I don't need to describe what I ate or when etc, rather I will leave you with the pro's and the con's of my experience. It's your choice if you choose to try this yourself...
I felt "clean", I can't explain it... no weird gurgles or stomach aches, rather just a nice all over feeling inside.
I found some great recipes that i'm gonna keep using after these 3 days! Like the Curry Lentil Soup. AMAZING mmmmm
I slept through the night, which I have been having a huge issue with since I moved to Vancouver. I mean sleeping through the night for me ment like 5 or 6 hours, but no joke I usually wake up every like 2 or 3 hours randomly usually...
I had energy. It wasn't like super pronounced energy, but I had energy. Keep in mind I don't drink coffee on the regular so i'm sure if I was cutting out a stimulant like that for 3 days I would probably get a serious headache
With the words "detox" I thought I was supposed to be completely "cleaned out". Not the case. Due to the change in diet my body said WTF? and clogged me up, kinda. I read after that people can also experience the reverse.
Can you say ACNE? I look like a boy experiencing puberty after eating a bucket of grease right now. Bah!!!! And believe me I drank a crap load of water during this time too. At least 2 liters a day. I washed my face like 4 times a day during this because of the feeling of "oil" on my face.
I had cravings. But just dull in the back of your head cravings. Nothing that got me to go AHHHHHH I NEED THAT FOOD NOW (like in the special k commercials.... crazy...)