Monday, June 3, 2013

Wheat Beer - Molson Canadian - $2.25

Mood: haven't had beer in 2 months.  You figure it out!!!

Where to buy: LCBO

Price: $2.25

Beer Type: wheat beer

Ingredients: Water, Barley Malt, W

Country: Canada

%: 4.5 

ml: 750

Appearance: Pale, when poured head is white and foamy. Looks like pale ale

Smell: wheaty and a little smidgen bitter

Taste: same as smell, odd. Bitter aftertaste, not that strong though, doable.

Mouthfeel: bubbly, strong on tongue, only a little foamy

Finished: bitter, bitter in my mouth afterwards

Overall: decent, not the best but doable. Better than other Canadian beers, tastes like mill street but more bitter aftertaste
